The Small Business Innovation Research Initiative (SBIRI) scheme of the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology was launched in 2005 to boost Public-Private- Partnership (PPP) efforts in the country. SBIRI was the first of its kind, early stage, innovation focused PPP initiative in the area of Biotechnology. Launching of SBIRI has worked as an enabling platform for the target organizations to realize their potential in terms of product and process development and taking them to the market. It has facilitated innovation, risk taking by small and medium companies and bringing together the private industry, public institutions and the government under one roof to promote the research and innovation in the Indian Biotech Sector. The projects supported under the scheme have resulted in prominent outcomes in the form of some products which have already come to the market and some promising research leads seeing ray of hope for commercialization.
As a unique institutional mechanism, SBIRI has consistently prioritized early stage funding for high risk innovative research in small and medium companies led by innovators with science backgrounds to get them involved in development of products and processes which have high societal relevance.
The SBIRI aims to
The SBIRI objectives
Who can apply?
The proposals can be submitted
Impact of SBIRI (data as on 31st January, 2024)
Call Announced: 53
Employment Generated: 743
Beneficiaries supported: 429
Projects supported: 337
Funds committed: Rs 576 Crores
IP Filed: 48
Products/technologies developed/commercialized: 87
Call for proposals
There are two call for proposals in a year.
Besides two regular calls, BIRAC may also announce need-based additional calls whose terms and conditions would be worked out separately and described in their respective RFPs.
1 - SBIRI - Complete Scheme Document
2 - SBIRI - Operational Mechanism
4 - Proforma for Project Submission
5 - Other Documents
(I) Company+Institute_Both receiving funds form BIRAC
(II) Company Only receiving funds from BIRAC
(III) Company+Institute_Only Company receiving Fund from BIRAC