Spectrometer 200-1100nm
Title: Handheld spectrometer and spectrophotometer 200-1100 with Desktop Software & Smartphone App
Innovator: TestRight Nanosystems Private Limited
TestRight has developed the nations first portable spectrometer and spectrophotometers which have diverse applications from diagnostics to food adulteration testing. The spectrometer can be further assembled as fluorescence spectrometer. The wavelength range is 200-1100nm with user-specified resolution from 0.1nm to 2nm. The device connects to any computer or smartphone over a USB cable and our custom-built software or app can be used as an interface to show the spectra or control the spectrometer.
We are actively involved with customers across various industries to automate their process - from beverages to ink industries.
USP: Our polymer-based diffraction grating ensures no-drift in wavelength over time and rugged performance in the field. Further, our flexible hardware design helps us to customize the device for the end-user.