Expression of Interest for Empanelment of Advertising and Publicity Agencies
Ref. No: BIRAC/HR&A/007/2017/Enq.017
Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) intends to empanel professionally managed advertising and publicity agencies. The selection of the agencies will be through a competitive bidding process. BIRAC will shortlist the agencies on the basis of their meeting the mandatory eligibility criteria.
Last Downloading date of Bid Document: 27th September, 2017. At 1400 Hrs. (IST)
(Bid Closing Date & Time) |
Last date of Submission of bids: 27th September, 2017. At 1400 Hrs. (IST)
Place of submission: Head (Admin. And HR), Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council, 1st Floor, MTNL Building, 9, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110003,Ph : 011-24389600
Bid Opening Date & Time: 27th September, 2017. At 1500 Hrs. (IST)
Bid Opening Place : BIRAC office address mentioned above
Addendum/Corrigendum, if any, to the bid documents shall be uploaded on or before the bid submission date on the mentioned websites only. Hence, bidders may view the same regularly till the bid submission date.