Department of Biotechnology (DBT) has collaborated with Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) to seek new innovative approaches that have the potential to transform public health action on a national or global scale by identifying and filling gaps in knowledge on the development of drugs in the area of development of new antibiotics and alternatives to antibiotics to counter AMR. 


The scheme has two categories:

A.    Development of new antibiotics

B.    Development of alternatives to antibiotics-

  • Therapeutic antibodies
  •   Phage therapy and
  •   Anti-biofilm products


The first joint call on AMR Mission between DBT in collaboration with BIRAC was announced in 2018-19. The call was focused on innovative approaches that have the potential to transform public health action on a national or global scale by identifying and filling gaps in knowledge on the development of drugs in the area of development of new antibiotics and alternatives to antibiotics to counter AMR. A single proposal with industry collaboration (Anthem Biosciences) got selected under this joint call which was announced in 2018-2019 with proposal entitled “A Multi-Scale Approach to Combat the Mechanisms of Antimicrobial Resistance through PPEF a Known Bacterial topoisomerase IA Inhibitor” for a duration of 36 months.


Scheme Guidelines


Supported Projects